Kitaakita area

Yasu no Taki Falls

One of Japan's "100 Famous Waterfalls" and a symbol of Ani's beauty

Yasu no Taki lies in the upper reaches of the 8km long Nakanomata Gorge in Okuani. Surrounded by steep cliffs, the two-tiered 90m (295 feet) drop will take visitor’s breath away any time of year; from the bright greens of spring, to the fiery colors of autumn.
The falls are also the setting for the tragedy of Yasu and Kutaro, legendary star crossed lovers. It is said that on moonlit nights, one can make out the figure of Yasu combing her black hair, waiting for her lover. However, legend holds that visitors to the falls will be blessed with a happy love life.
Upper section of the waterfall
The falls on a clear autumn day
Naka no Mata Gorge stream flowing towards the falls


【Address】Aniuttou, Kitaakita-shi, Akita district

【Phone number (reference)】0186-62-1851(association of sightseeing in Kitaakita-shi product)

【Fixed closing day】It is closed in winter during the period



【Yasu no Taki Falls】
Aniuttou Kitaakita-City, Akita